We had a successful first cast/family meeting today for the cast of Sherlock Holmes. A few things to remember moving forward:
- Digital copies of the paperwork (such as the calendar) are in the Band App and Facebook group. Reach out if you’re having trouble accessing them.
- Our tickets leader was not able to attend tonight; she will be reaching out soon with information about complimentary tickets.
- If you did not receive a script this evening, the remaining ones should be passed out at tomorrow’s readthrough.
- Be on the lookout for costume fitting signups soon (to be posted here, in the Band app, and on the Facebook group).
- Make sure to sign up for a monitoring slot, and remember to come a little early on those days to help sign actors in.
- If you have not already done so, please get your T-shirt size/money to us. We hope to order everything by the end of the week!
Thank you for joining us on this adventure, and we hope you’re already having a great time!