The Legend of Pocahontas

Friday 10/18/1996 7:00 pm | Saturday 10/19/1996 2:00 pm

JH Rose High School

Produced by Special Arrangement with Pioneer Drama

The name Pocahontas, belonging to the daughter of the powerful Algonquin Chief Powhatan, means “She-Who-Likes-To-Be-Mischievous.” It’s a fitting name, because the princess enjoys playing tricks and games, especially with Wolf, Raven and Squirrel … her playmates in the forest. She also makes friends with the English settlers in the struggling community of Jamestown. They have no food, and sickness has almost wiped them out. Pocahontas would like to help them, but Thundercloud, the medicine man, forbids it. When Captain John Smith, the leader of Jamestown, comes to the Indian village, he is condemned to death.