Produced by Special Arrangement with Pioneer Drama
Ichabod Crane, a lightly goofy schoolmaster, comes to the farming community of Sleepy Hollow with all his worldly possessions. He’s looking for a good life and a wealthy wife who will supply it. Once he sets eyes on the local beauty, Katrina Van Tassel, he’s sure his dream will come true. Unhappily for Ichabod, Katrina has a boyfriend who’s extremely jealous … the boisterous Brom Bones. To complicate matters the graveyard is haunted by a small army of restless spirits, including the most famous phantom of all, the Headless Horseman. At a party, Ichabod proposes marriage to Katrina, but is booted out by Brom and forced to make his way home through a terrible storm. In the dark, there’s something shadowy and towering intent on taking Ichabod’s life — the Headless Horseman!