Signups are now available to work on the technical crew for our spring show, Sherlock Holmes and the First Baker Street Irregular! Students between the ages of 12 and 18 are eligible to help build and paint sets, assemble and craft props, work on lights and sound, and also run the the show both backstage and in the booth. See our FAQ page for more information about crew and our entire production process.
We look forward to seeing all interested crew and their families join us for an orientation on Saturday, February 1 from 10-11am at the Ayden Recreation Center. This meeting will be used to review the work day and show schedule, introduce our technical director and props master, present designs for the set, and answer any of your questions.
Please review the draft timeline below and then signup online. There is a $5 fee to help cover expenses for the post-production party (an extra $15 is owed if a show T-shirt is ordered). Crew members will receive two complimentary tickets for the show. Please note: actors cast in the show may attend technical days without signing up online (no additional fee charged for participation).
Join us for a great time bringing this fun show to life!
Production Timeline
Please note that everything is still a work-in-progress and subject to change.
Saturday February 8 (10am-3pm)
- Paint: flats, character blocks, street signs, door, and fireplace cover.
- Props: look for items in storage based on list.
- Lights: develop light plot, refocus lights onstage.
Saturday February 15 (10am-3pm)
- Build: door flat, back of fireplace, markeplace stand
- Paint: flats, lamp post.
- Props: continue organization or work on clue signs.
- Lights: continue onstage refocus, bring scaffolding pieces out of storage for assembly.
- Sound: potential cues/levels test.
Saturday February 22 (10am-3pm)
- Paint: vault boxes, door flat, pawn shop, apartment/market signs
- Lights: setup scaffolding, start first electric focus in the house.
- Sound: potential cues/levels test.
Saturday March 1 (10am-3pm)
- Build: fireplace backing, bank vault wheel
- Paint: fireplace detailing, bookshelf and window
- Lights: continue first electric focus in the house.
- Sound: potential cues/levels test.
Saturday March 8 (10am-3pm)
- Paint: Coburg Square flats, book spines
- Lights: finalize electric focus, begin initial cues test with fog.
- Sound: potential cues/levels test.
There is no tech on Saturday March 15 due to Pitt County Schools’ Spring Break.
Saturday March 22 (10am-3pm)
- Move all sets, etc. downstairs to the stage for final work/touchups.
- Includes: prop table and backstage setup, LED footlights setup, fog machines, etc.
Saturday March 29 (10am-3pm)
- Cue to Cue: all show crew will practice scene changes, with booth crew helping build lighting cues and adding sound in.
- The scaffolding will be dissembled and put in storage at the end of this tech day.
Monday March 31 – Thursday April 3 (5:30-7pm)
- Crew: run show in separate acts per day during rehearsal (no black clothes required yet)
There is no tech on Saturday April 5: enjoy a rest before the last week!
Monday April 7 – Thursday 11 (6-7pm)
- Crew: run entire show each night (crew call may be earlier than 6 if required by preshow checks).
- A photographer will take a group photo of everyone on dress rehearsal night, including the crew.
Friday April 11 – Saturday 12 (show days)
- Crew: run show for a live audience.
- Arrival times established during that week’s rehearsal, usually 1 to 1.5 hours ahead of the performance time (7pm on Friday, 2pm on Saturday).
- Crew are required to participate in strike (putting everything away in our storage upstairs) immediately after the Saturday performance. A party will be held afterward onsite.